Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Local Health Care Helpers

    Karina Kling, an author for News 8 Austin, wrote an article about Insure Central Texas and the volunteers that work there. Apparently, this place is a volunteer facility where people can go to get help in signing up for Healthcare.gov as well as help with choosing a plan that's right for them. Lately, there haven't been that many people that have applied, or used this facility for that purpose. Kling states that the group says that about 2000 people have come through the doors of the facility but they could only register about 10 people on the first month, and only a few more the next - a mere trickle of what is required. They remain hopeful, however, that in the month of December, things will pick up, as the website becomes less trafficked. With three weeks to go, it is necessary that people get registered for this health care, and groups like Enroll America will help in this effort.
    In my opinion, Rick Perry has curbed the health care exchange effort. Texas turned down the money to set up the Healthcare exchanges so it made it more difficult for people to do. Most of the Republican states did. They didn't have to accept the money, so they didn't accept the money. It could have been billions of dollars from federal funding in Medicaid. If they don't take the money, then the Health care Exchange will have a hard time and then the Republicans go and blame the exchange's faults on Obamacare, rather than the fact that they broke the system. So, no one will be able to join this exchange and we'll need these volunteer associations to help us figure it out. And even when we do, people won't be able to get onto the system since there isn't the funding for the system to work.


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